Deutsche Börse provides market participants with easy access to historical FX data from 360T
Deutsche Börse expands its market data offering by providing FX data from 360T through its Data Shop. The Data Shop gives market participants access to historical data from the Historical Data Feed (HDF) which was designed following high demand from within the FX industry. It vastly increases the availability of historical data for FX market participants.
With the Historical Data Feed (HDF), 360T makes all spot and swap market data available. This large stack of data can be used for a variety of purposes, including transaction cost analysis, identifying long-term trends and correlations, and back-testing pricing models.
The streaming spot market data reference is provided by the Essential Data Feed (EDF) captured within the HDF, delivering both the calculated mid and bid/ask for all supported currency pairs. It is sourced from 360T’s global execution platform, ‘Hypersonic’, providing an in-depth snapshot of prevailing market conditions.
The swaps market data is contained in the 360T/DIGITEC Swaps Data Feed (SDF), with over 20 leading FX banks contributing. By continuing to add new contributors to the feed, 360T has been able to boost the reliability of the product and the accuracy of the data. Accuracy and reliability of rates are harnessed by DIGITEC’s D3 pricing engine technology and relationships within the 360T network who contribute to the SDF.
“The launch of the first FX offering marks a milestone in the ongoing expansion of Deutsche Börse Market Data + Services into the FX business. By providing access to 360T’s historical data through our well-established Data Shop platform, we provide the best of our respective expertise,” says Alireza Dorfard, Head of Data Services at Deutsche Börse.
“At 360T we have always been big believers in promoting data transparency. Our SDF is a market leading innovation and the HDF is a natural evolution in our data offering. Making this historical data available for immediate access via the Deutsche Börse Data Shop is just another example of 360T innovating, giving FX industry participants the opportunity to easily access high quality market data,” says Simon Jones, Chief Growth Officer at 360T.
Deutsche Börse Data Shop offers more than 100 terabytes of historical data from the Eurex and Xetra trading venues, along with STOXX index data. The data universe includes High Precision Time Stamps, a variety of tick and index data, a broad analytics suite that provides daily analysis of order flow, and allows a deep dive into liquidity and market trends, complete historical order book and trading data for Eurex and Xetra, as well as reference and turnover data. More information about the historical data offering can be found at Deutsche Börse Data Shop.
Media contact Deutsche Börse:
Sina-Kim Diehlmann
+49 69 211-1 46 37
Media contact 360T:
Sarah Brylewski
+49 69 9002 89369
Media contact DIGITEC:
Jake Smith
+44 7860 779 802
About Deutsche Börse Market Data + Services
Deutsche Börse Market Data + Services provides financial market participants around the world with proprietary market data from Deutsche Börse Group’s Xetra and Eurex trading platforms, as well as with data from our cooperation partners. Our clients include analysts, algo traders, banks, hedge funds, asset managers, mid- and back-office professionals and vendors who rely on high-quality, reliable information to make investment and trading decisions, manage risk, safeguard assets and meet increasing regulatory requirements.
Our product portfolio includes real-time market data, index data from the DAX and STOXX indices, as well as reference data and historical data. In addition, we use the highly granular market data from Eurex and Xetra to develop meaningful analytics that help our clients optimise their trading strategies. Our growing offering includes the cloud-based analytics platform A7 or tools such as Xetra and Eurex Flow Insights, which can be obtained directly from our Data Shop.
About 360T Group
360T is one of the globally leading trading platforms for Foreign Exchange (FX). As Deutsche Börse Group’s powerhouse for FX, 360T provides a web-based trading technology for over-the-counter (OTC) instruments, integration solutions and related services. Since its inception in 2000, the company has developed and maintained a state-of-the-art multi-bank portal for foreign exchange, cash and money market products and FX/interest rate derivatives. With over 2,200 buy-side customers and more than 200 liquidity providers across 75 different countries, 360T is uniquely positioned to connect the global FX industry.
Headquartered in Frankfurt am Main, Germany, 360T maintains subsidiaries in New York (360 Trading Networks Inc), Singapore (360T Asia Pacific Pte. Ltd.), Mumbai (ThreeSixty Trading Networks (India) Pvt Ltd), Kuala Lumpur (360 Trading Networks Sdn Bhd) and Dubai (360 Trading Networks (DIFC) Limited).
DIGITEC is the industry-leading software provider of FX core pricing solutions. More than forty banks already trust in the DIGITEC D3 technology for their Forward, Swaps, NDF, and Money Market core pricing. On the basis of the D3 core pricing system, DIGITEC and 360T have in partnership developed their own, award-winning market data offering, the 360T/DIGITEC ‘Swaps Data Feed’ (SDF).