D3 Elements

Connect to incoming and outgoing rates

D3 Elements, the communication tool for all incoming and outgoing rates, lies at the core of the D3 system. It allows you seamless connection to services from Refinitiv® and Bloomberg® or to single dealer platforms like Deutsche Bank Autobahn™ or Barclays BARX™.

D3 Elements uses FIX protocol, giving you access to a wide range of sources while offering rapid access to new markets. Users have complete control over the fully guided setup of new market instruments.

When exporting rates to the TREP platform, via FIX® protocol or via DIGITEC’s highly efficient Java-based Streaming API – D3 elements serves internal clients or external e-trading platforms 24/7.

The module also allows you to bypass the curve construction process entirely. In this standalone mode, you can immediately forward normalized rates from various feeds as well as calculated custom rates, ensuring ultra-low latencies.

Key Features

  • Constantly monitors the import of streamed market data, providing you with values you can trust
  • Normalises your inputs (e.g. solid calendar calculation, comprehensive status information)
  • Consistent look and feel for all market data streams across all D3 applications
  • Compile rates of your choice with an unprecedented flexibility to lay the foundation for your own custom rates.
  • Ability to select or blend rates, exclude anomalies and apply individual weighting
  • Ability to generate multiple custom rate instances by activating a variety of calculation strategies
elements Screenshot

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